Your contract is coming to an end

So long and farewell… It’s time to say goodbye to your vehicle.

Is your lease contract coming to an end? Run through the steps below to avoid possible problems. Did you renew your contract with ALD Automotive? Then we have an extra free service for you: ALD flexpertise. This means that six to eight weeks before the end of the contract, we make a simulation of the costs of the inspection as they would be on the day the vehicle is returned. It allows you to anticipate any potential problems and limit the associated costs.

Check our ALD flexpertise page for more information

Choose your drop-off point

Where would you like to hand your vehicle over? You can choose between:

  • your own place of work
  • an official dealer
  • Ayvens Carmarket (Z.4. Broekooi 280, 1730 Asse-Kobbegem)

If you are coming to us, you obviously won’t need to pay any transport costs. Make sure you check what your fleet manager would prefer. And afterwards, contact us for an appointment.

Clean your car

Your vehicle will be subject to a thorough appraisal. Would you like to see your vehicle sail through seamlessly? Make sure you deliver a clean vehicle, on the inside as well as the outside. Don’t forget to provide us with your:

  • Registration certificate
  • European certificate of conformity.

Are you missing these documents? Make sure that you provide an official theft report, valid until at least a week after the date of the appraisal. If it isn’t completely in order, we will be forced to mark the vehicle with a ‘refusal to appraise’. And you’ll need to pay our travel costs.

Be present

Our expert will come to the location of your choice to examine your vehicle. If he decides there is an unacceptable level of damage, the costs will be yours. It is to your benefit to be present at the time of the appraisal. Then you will immediately be able to examine and sign the report. And avoid any doubts or discussion afterwards.

Be prepared

Don’t worry! We aren’t unreasonable. It’s normal that your vehicle isn’t looking brand new after a few years of use. Browse through this list, and find out what damage is acceptable and what is not. And you’ll be sure that the report from the expert won’t come as a surprise.

Your ultimate checklist

For the final appraisal you will need to have the following with you:

  • GPS
  • manual
  • extra seats
  • registration certificate
  • maintenance book
  • any accessories supplied
  • European certificate of conformity
  • radio and/or alarm code
  • original keys (including immobilisers or alarm keys)

And if you can’t provide us with one of the items above? We have to take it into account.

Note: Bring your vehicle in with summer tyres on (except between 1st October and 30th April).

Contact us
02 706 41 41